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You have the power to prevent diabetes!

APhA Foundation

At IMPACT Diabetes, we provide the tools needed to empower diabetes prevention

Know your risk

  • Unsure of whether or not you're at risk for diabetes? Simply reach out! At IMPACT Diabetes, we would be more than happy to quickly help you determine your potential risk for type 2 diabetes. By answering a few simple questions about yourself and your lifestyle, our proven method will inform about the risk of developing diabetes.

Get your questions answered

  • So what really causes diabetes, anyway? Does the food I eat really matter, or does it just depend on my family history? How much weight is too much? Do people with diabetes have to eliminate certain foods? What amount of exercise is right for me? Do I have to quit my favorite food in order to prevent diabetes? Are there other exercises besides running? Where do I even begin?

Make lasting changes

  • At IMPACT Diabetes, we will teach and encourage healthy lifestyle changes, and we'll be alongside you every step of the way. Whether you want to be able to exercise more, find healthy meals that you actually enjoy, or simply have more energy to attend family gatherings- IMPACT Diabetes can help make these changes last. Our trained lifestyle coaches are ready to meet you, discuss your goals, and work out a plan together!

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